Dusty Gold

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born 2021 , height 148 cm
by Reitland's Diamond Gold - Cosmopolitan D - Losander -

Breeder: Anton Schindele , Unterthingau
Owner: Hengststation Maas J. Hell , Klein Offenseth

Approved for Pferdestammbuch Schleswig-Holstein, PZV Brandenburg-Anhalt, PZV Sachsen-Thüringen

Stud fee: 350,00 € plus VAT

Reitland's Diamond Gold
Reitland's Du Oder Keiner B
Reitland's Feine Dame
Dolce Vita
Stukhuster Ricardo go for Gold
Cosmopolitan D
Gina Lucy
FS Champion de Luxe
Glamour Girl
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Dusty Gold is a pony stallion that couldn't be more beautiful. He has a particularly fine face with wonderful eyes, a sought-after color (buckskin with white belly spot), is versatile talented and strong in character. He impresses with his willingness to perform, the best basic gaits and quality in free jumping. The father, Reitland's Diamonds Gold, was champion stallion in Verden and is age-appropriately successful in dressage up to L level. The mother, Giulietta, was a champion mare herself, has two licensed half-brothers and is the mother of the current national champion mare. The dam's sire, Cosmopolitan D, was victorious in L-level dressage under various young riders and has won well over 5,000 euros in this discipline. He produced over 30 licensed sons and is known as the father of many sport ponies. With Losander, who came from Holstein and was successful in medium-level show jumping, the thoroughbred Kaiserjäger xx and the famous Brillant, the third to fifth generation adds first-class genes into the pedigree, which stand for hardiness, longevity and sporting quality. The damline from Gestüt Kastanienhof is one of the most successful in the breeding of riding ponies. This resulted in over 20 licensed stallions, including: exceptional stallion Dance Star AT, European Championship participants Daily Pleasure and Der feine Lord, S-successful and licensed Kennedy WE, as well as the successful jumping pony Dear Max.

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