born 2015 , height 170 cm cm
by Cornet Obolensky - Quadros - Cash and Carry -
line 776

Breeder: Witt Pferdezucht GbR , Wellinghusen
Owner: Vitor Frias , Portugal

Approved for Holstein, Hannover

Stud fee: 800 € plus VAT

Cornet Obolensky
Rabanna van Costersveld
Corrado I
Holivea van Costersveld
Quidam de Revel
Pia Estelle
Cash and Carry
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With Corniolo, the father of the Holstein champion stallion finds his way into our collection. The extremely typey son of Cornet Obolensky was himself a premium stallion at the Holstein licensing in 2017. He was able to complete his stallion performance tests with excellent ratings for jumping. First ridden by Marten Witt, Corniolo was able to win young horse competitions with grades of up to 8.6, once again underlining his exceptional jumping talent. In 2020 he moved to Portuguese ownership and continued his sports career there. This year Corniolo took part in his first 1.40 jumps as part of the Sunshine Tour and always performed flawlessly.

Corniolo's father Cornet Obolensky is considered one of the top sires of recent years and has become an absolute hallmark of quality in show jumping horse breeding. Mother's father Quadros initially covered the Holsteiner Verband and was then able to establish himself in international sport with Marco Kutscher and Wim Janssen. Through Cash and Carry, Concerto II, Capitol I and Lord, Corniolo's pedigree is characterized by top Holstein stallions. Based on damline 776, Corniolo's family has been impressing with world-class show jumpers for decades. His mother is a sister of Quno, who secured victory for Switzerland in the Nations Cup final with Eduard Schmitz. Grandmother Tora is a full sister of Cash and Go/Simone Wettstein and Cash Up/Georgia Tame.

Corniolo's high reliability of inheritance results from his excellent pedigree. His foals are extremely typey and sporty with expressive faces. Last year he was able to present three sons at the Holstein licensing, two were licensed and Corassini was named champion stallion, from a year in which only eight colts were born by Corniolo.

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