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born 2016 , height 170 cm
by Cornet Obolensky BWP - Contender - Aljano - Coriander
line 5881

Breeder: Dr. Steven Passman
Owner: Hengststation Maas J. Hell , Klein Offenseth

Approved for Holstein, Other associations on request

Stud fee: 800 € plus VAT

Cornet Obolensky BWP
Rabanna van Costerfeld BWP
Corrado I
Urte I H
Heartbreaker WPN
Holivea van Costerfeld BWP I
Batik MCF ZB1-BP
Tunika ZB1-SP
Calypso II
Hora I H
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Colcannon was nominated first reserve winner of the 2018 Holstein Stallion Licensing. Noble conformation, large frame, super basic gaits and jumping qualities that are hard to top when it comes to power, scope, bascule and leg technique. Colcannon completed his 14-day performance test with a free jumping score of 9 and shined at the stallion performance sports test in Verden with a convincing final score of 8.29.  After having earned victories and placements in young jumper development classes he successfully established himself in Youngster Tour with placements in Neustadt Dosse, Breitenburg, Elmshorn, Hohen Wieschendorf and Lastrup His offspring display impressive type and strong backs. He sired Nouri, last year reserve champion of the mare championship in Elmshorn

Sire Cornet Obolensky, Olympic competitor under Marco Kutscher, is considered one of the world's best show jumping sires of the modern era with a total amount of progeny-earnings of more than 12 million Euros. Dam's sire Contender was THE leading stallion personality among all stud stallions in Holstein for years. He sired 129 licensed sons and 427 successful advanced (S) level show horses. With Aljano and Coriander there are two sires with the highest all-round qualities in the third and fourth generation of the pedigree. They almost guarantee rideability, top basic gaits and willingness to perform, combined with the obligatory amazing Holstein jumping abilities. The mare Disco, a sister of the granddam, successfully competes in international showjumping classes (up to 1.60 m) with Zoltan Czekus/Hungary and were part of the Hungarian team at the EC in Milan. The Holstein damline 5881 also produced the Oldenburg stallion licensing winner Carenaro, the highly proven sire Cordeur and successful showjumpers such as Caretina/Hans Thorben Rüder.

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